Munyaradzi Goredema

Better than “Illuminati” benefits…

There is a blood sacrifice in your name. Yes, in your name human blood was spilled. And this has consequences, eternal consequences because this blood speaks certain things in your life that ought to change your reality. And no, this is not voodoo, it is the law of the Spirit Realm, the place from which everything is governed. And as we get into the spirit of Easter, we need to be reminded just how life-changing this reality is.

Hebrews 9:22 tells us that without the shedding of blood there is no remission of sins. Sin has to be paid for and the only price that can do it is blood. It is the justice of the Lord that demands this. Sin only one wage-death (Romans 8 vs 23) and in a land of justice, this price needs to be paid. The sinner has brought death to a world and sphere of influence they have, and to the innocent-and they do need to be punished. And no, the blood of bulls and goats would not suffice, it had to be the blood of a perfect man.

It is frightening to actually think of that, but that what makes the shedding of Jesus for the remission of your and my sins so powerful. In that, He paid a price that was required for all your sins, past, present and future in one act and that has pleaded for your forgiveness in the eyes of God. In believing and trusting Him, we are judiciously placed in a position where we are the forgiven saints of God, to whom He does not impute sin. (2 Cor 5 vs 19) Rather, we are judiciously given the favour that Jesus deserved as a result of the nature of His life.

Understanding this one concept fully should free you to come boldly to God at any time. Whatever you need, it is an invitation to discover who He is and behold his face. It equips you to be able to stand in the presence of a Holy God and not be consumed for whatever it is you may have done. This is because the cry that this blood has on your life is this “Father have mercy on this one. They are mine, their price is paid. And they are righteous before you.” It eliminates fear and invites even the most hardened of hearts to get that touch of a Father that will change our identity.

Jesus had no reason to go through anything he went through for himself. Isaiah 9:6 tells us that “unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given,” letting us know that he was born and given for you and me. We needed him, he did not need us but he chose us to be the apple of His eye. Isaiah 53 then outlines the benefits his life bring to you.

He was pierced to pay the price for our transgressions, bruised for our iniquities-inherited sin and fallen patterns. He was chastised-humiliated, hurt for there to be a proclamation of peace on your life. Peace not driven by circumstances but that surpasses all understanding. He was given stripes, painful lashes ,I believe with the nine-tails, so that you and I could receive healing in our bodies. He reconciled us with God, taking away the enmity that was in between us and God because of our sin and placing us before God in position of love and favour as recipients of mercy.

Because of this blood sacrifice in your name, death and all his friends-poverty, sickness and malice-have no claim on your life. It is like a divine stamp that attracts the activity of God and rebukes any hand of the enemy on your life and all this because you are loved.

Romans 8:32 invites you and me to look at this blood sacrifice in this way -“He that spared not his own Son, but delivered him up for us all, how shall he not with him also freely give us all things?” Given the value of Christ to God, and that He was freely given for us, should we not therefore realise that every other matter is small and God is not going to withhold any good thing from us-His loved ones. (Psalm 84 vs 11)

Is this not surely a million times than anything any man or man made organisation could ever promise to give you?


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