Munyaradzi Goredema

Be sure you are saved (5)

This is the last post in a series that I was supposed to have finished at least a month ago. In between, life got in the way-but it is still looking good. I am on course with my novel, at 53 000 words and close to my initial target of 65 000. So all is not lost.

The atmosphere and mood towards the vaccine seems to have quietened down, or at least from what I see. No longer, do I see the obnoxious claims daily that this is somehow the mark of the beast being recklessly thrown around. By now, you and I know a few people who have been vaccinated. Some even people we admire, men and women of faith, integrity and humility.

Additionally, the drawn out nature of life in the pandemic may have started to wear you down. Like me, maybe you just want to stop wearing the uncomfortable, hot mask all over the place and have that temperature gun frequently aimed at your head all of the time. And that may be the only reason you are considering the vaccine, but you still habour the gnawing fear that just what is those people are right? Just what if it is the mark of the beast?

For a start, I will not go into a discourse into what the mark of the beast is. Too many people have been wrong, and blinded by uninformed zeal, they have caused more harm than good. It is more pertinent therefore that I conclude this series by reminding you about what Jesus said, concerning those who have come to him.

John 10, vs 27 to 29 reads: My sheep hear My voice, and I know them, and they follow Me. 28 I give them eternal life. They shall never perish, nor shall anyone snatch them from My hand. 29 My Father, who has given them to Me, is greater than all. No one is able to snatch them from My Father’s hand.” (emphasis added) And I want you, if you are afraid to just pause here, and dwell on this. Meditate, and repeat these words to your soul day and night. As often as you can, and in as many translations as you can find, go over this reminder from Jesus.

John 10:27-28: My sheep hear My voice, and I know them, and they follow Me. 28 I give them eternal life. They shall never perish, nor shall anyone snatch them from My hand.

Rest, You are in His Hands

In the last post, I was reminding us of how salvation is now. When we believed, we receive eternal life. Hence, when we read the verses above, we can be sure that we are the audience. We are the sheep of Jesus Christ, the ones held in his hand and he is determined to old on to us. Immediately, this should tell us that Jesus Christ and the Father have no intention of letting us go. You will never perish, you will always be in the hands of Jesus. And with this declaration, he is saying noone can do it-no matter the trickery, no matter what they do, or even what they inject you with.

Before you go about fearing that you may lose your salvation, remember we have established there is one thing required for you to be saved, and that is to believe in Jesus Christ, the son of God. We have also established that being saved is not dependent on your acts anyway. Whether or not you are accepted before God is answered by whether or not the sin offering was. As Hebrews says, (Hebrews 10:11-12), the offering was perfect, and unlike the old day priests, Jesus is now sitting at the right hand of the Father. So if you have believed in Him, you cannot be snatched out of his hands because you took a Covid-19 Vaccine.

As I conclude this, I feel it is necessary to say this outright. Anyone who says that taking the Covid-19 vaccine will make lose your salvation, or be under the power of the beast is saying a false word. It is a false prophecy. We are often made to feel guilty by men and women who abuse a gift from God to their advantage if we question them. How dare you question the ‘Man of God,’ and they then add ‘Touch not, my annointed ones.’ But this is manipulative and unscriptural according to the New Testament. We are encouraged to test the Spirits, and to weigh the prophecy when it comes. If it does not align with what the Bible says, then it does not matter how annointed someone is when they say it, but God is not writing a new Bible. And whoever that person is, concerning that word, they are wrong.

Anyone who says that taking the Covid-19 vaccine will make lose your salvation, or be under the power of the beast is saying a false word. It is a false prophecy.

I encourage you to have a look at the book Playing with Holy Fire. (I may earn an affiliate commision if you buy using the link). It has a huge library of wealth of information that should free you from the guilt-trips of those using the free gift of the Holy Spirit to prey on the innocent and I strongly recommend to all believers. Especially those yearning to walk in signs, miracles and wonders, but afraid because of some of the toxic practices we have witnessed from the pulpit in the name of God.

We are often made to feel guilty by men and women who abuse a gift from God to their advantage if we question them. How dare you question the ‘Man of God,’ and they then add ‘Touch not, my anointed ones.’ But this is manipulative and unscriptural.

I hope you have been richly blessed by this series. I am greatly encouraged when you are, and feel free to leave a comment below with your thoughts.


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