God wants you healed period. There are no buts or ifs or maybe i have sinned and i don’t deserve it. Get over yourself, you don’t deserve Christ but he died willingly for you; you do not deserve healing but in love Jesus bore the stripes for you. So stop arguing for a moment and just listen as I speak to you and over you these words of life.
It’s not so much about your “level of faith.” When people came to Jesus, He acknowledged their faith if they had it but He did not need it to perform a miracle. Tell me, of the 5000 fed, who amongst them believed it could happen? Or when He stilled the storm, did any of the disciples in that moment have great faith in that moment? Or the widow of Nain whose son He raised? Did she have great faith or what it simply because of the compassion of Jesus?
I speak to you now as a bonafide son of God and i say be healed from the crown of your head to the soles of your feet. Anything you have been suffering from now must end, and this does not depend on you so relax. The Spirit is moving in to your situation and fixing it right now.
Why is it this simple, because He lives in me and He is the same yesterday, today and forever. If healing freely flowed out and healed all from Him then, then today likewise it is and as it only depended on compassion then, it still does today.
You are loved.
When you are impacted by the Holy Spirit, remember to share your testimony; I would be very glad and encouraged by it.