Munyaradzi Goredema

Author name: Munyaradzi


Condemnation: There is none of it for you and me

Condemnation is a strong term, expressing disapproval, punishment, rebuke and unworthiness. It is a word that defines something to be unfit or unqualified for a purpose and speaks of compelling to a sentence. It is formed from the word condemn and in the greek, the root of this is krita which is to sentence to […]



Hi my friend, do you know how it feels to be back in good books with a good friend after you have had a major fight? Is it in your consciousness at this point how glad you would be to put the dust under your feet? Well my friend, if you have believed in Jesus



Forgiveness is a word we hear a lot in everyday conversation but by the way we as people live, it is clear that in our hearts we do not yet know what it means to say we are forgiven of God. Paul says in Romans, there is no condemnation for those who are in Christ


Be Healed

God wants you healed period. There are no buts or ifs or maybe i have sinned and i don’t deserve it. Get over yourself, you don’t deserve Christ but he died willingly for you; you do not deserve healing but in love Jesus bore the stripes for you. So stop arguing for a moment and



How many of you know what a smartphone is for? Whatsapp, Facebook, Surfing, gaming etc..the answers vary depending on your preferred use, but do you realise that you would never in your right mind leave a 1 year old baby with your phone for a day-you know you may find it has adopted a use


Work fit for God

A lot of times, we misunderstand who God is. We see Him through false filters that hide who He really is and wants to be to us and we lose the opprtunity to live life to the fullest that we can live it. You see, God is love and He is joy; outside of Him


A few thoughts on Spouse selection

First, I know I am single and I do not need reminding of that from those who know me and second I hope you can get past whatever it is that would want you to just go through this and be blessed with some of the wisdom I am going to share; because honestly this


Of Dreams, Desires and Frustration (1)

Frustration can lead to some of the craziest behaviour. The docile lady all of a sudden becomes an incarnation of fury in whose way you do not want to get; that cute kid all of a sudden is a tantrum throwing menace when you take away from their favourite toy. It may lead the best



A colleague of mine said to me one time “I think you will be probably be the first guy in our class to get married because you behave a bit like a father figure.” Unlike many 22.9 year olds, I find this one of the greatest compliments I could expect because honestly I cannot wait


You are valuable (2)

One time during high school, a fellow student made certain claims and statements tantamount to the following summary; “There is only one woman I will never have sex with, my mother. All other women are options and not off bounds.” Another time I was cautioned; “Never say you will never hit your wife. There are

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