So today I am going to be expounding on what I shared as the year’s theme verse means to us in our lives, to our dreams and hopes for the year as we continue on this walk in life. As I will be sharing this as a message from the heart of the Father to us, expect today’s post to be full of scripture quotations and mostly devoid of personal anecdotes and experiences.
Many times the Word of God talks about dreams, from Abraham in Genesis 20, to Daniel, to the prophecy of Joel (Joel 2:2) and its fulfilment in Acts 2. Many times it also talks about desire (Song of Solomon 7:10; Genesis 3:16etc), words which in varying translations of this scripture, are used interchangeably; and both of these interpretations talk of something we earnestly long for. It could be our career ambitions, or a family desire, or a national cause for which we are contending. Big or small the wording here denote something which incites a passion within us; something that translates to more than a mere wish but which may take a bit of time to accomplish, that requires a process maybe and that in us when it happens does more than meet a physical need. We all know what these are in some form or another. For one it maybe as noble as the desire for a lost son to return home to love, or for family reconciliation and for others it might be the unfailing ambition to be the head one day of your own company or organisation. In one form or another we have these and like I have said before, we should not be afraid of them as Believers. Many of these, are birthed in us by the Lord Himself (Php. 2:13) and often our fear and own perceptions of ourselves keeping us from going for these dreams, quite like the Israelites who missed out on the promised land by virtue of how they saw the inhabitants and themselves. (Num 13:33)
However, my friend, you and I are children of the Lord (John 1:12), and greater is He that lives in us than He that is in the world (1 John 4:4) and the truth about God is that He cares for you, the very hairs on your head are numbered (Matt 10:30) and your desires matter to Him (John 15:7, Psalms 37:4). The things that weigh you down at night, the loneliness that makes you feel like an outsider to everyone you meet and every tear you cry (Ps 56:8), He cares about and believe me, He knows how it feels to long for these things over a drawn out period of time. It is a pain that is not physical but one that happens inside, that affects our emotions, our moods and our responses to life and to situation. If it goes on to long, it could even lead to resentment and a trust broken and destroyed. How many of us have met people who are bent on turning away from the very reality of God and dismissing Him as non-existent all because maybe a misfortune happened when they were younger. They lost a friend, a baby, maybe they were raped or they have seen the very worst of human suffering first hand, and never having been helped “in their own eyes,” they do not want anything to do with God. My friends, this is a harsh reality of life and it is something that God is not afraid of or unaware of.
He wants to see our desires fulfilled (Ps 91; Isaiah 58:14, Ps 37:4) and this year in particular, I believe the Lord will fulfil in our lives many many dreams we buried deep in our hearts, afraid to express and speak of, too timid because we did not deem ourselves worthy and many dreams who the heaviness in our hearts at not seeing them fulfilled drove us to a place of not believing and shutting in out. And the result of this, what the Word speaks of as life is such a rich place of joy, wholeness and healing in all areas of our lives, from finances to relationships which will serve to draw us near to God and to the people around us, serve to remind them that we really are the children of a good God, who loves us and who is worth giving everything for.
May the Lord richly bless you always.