Sometimes people look at you and wonder why you could be so determined to see the will of God prevail, they wonder why you could have such courage and strength in God and how it is possible to live with such conviction of His word. There is only one answer, taste and see that the Lord is good. If you haven’t, Now would be a good time to just pray the following prayer:
Dear Lord Jesus,
I have never known your goodness, and i do not know what it looks like. Right now may you show me, give me a taste of your goodness in my life that I may truly worship and praise your name.
Jesus needs no second invitation, if you have prayed this believe me He has heard you and this week, this month, even this very day you will see Him at work; both in ways you thought possible and in those you have never thought possible.
At times, I am inspired from within my Spirit to just write stuff down, some of it seems to be poetic, some of it is more prose oriented but nevertheless, I trust it is good and it can be a blessing to somebody whatever way you want to take it. It is my expression of praise to God, the song of my heart and my hallelujah to Him. May it encourage you in your walk with God, may it help strengthen your faith if you have been faltering and may it help you see clearly if you have maybe been doubting the love of Christ because what is my story of His love working in me can just as easily be yours, God is not a respector of persons but boy does He love you
The lines are fallen to me in pleasant places
It’s the hope I have in Him, my Saviour King
It’s the trust I put in Him, my Lord Jesus
That lets me smile today
He does not fail, indeed He cannot
He loves me;
And on the cross, He defined just how much He does so
For my sake, for my sake indeed He hung there naked and bruised;
Bloody, sweaty, dusty and in humiliation He hung
Humiliation yes for there was shame there
In pain, mocked, stripped-was God in the flesh
Yet it was by the force of no man
Of His own volition and love, He chose to go
To be shamed so I can be accepted
To be poor, that I may be rich
To be beaten that I would never be sick
To die that I might live
In that day, in that moment
In that one act of utter love,
All my sin, death, poverty and everything else was taken
In that day, in that act of love
The very wrath of God towards me was drained, perfectly exhausted in the flesh of that one man, my Lord Jesus Christ
Now I stand free, I stand forgiven
I am loved, I am cherished
In the presence of my Father, I am welcome
Ever with me are His holy angels, doing and making certain His will and love for me in my life
I stand knowing this;
I am not forgotten, nor have I ever been
I am not forsaken, nor will I ever be
I am cherished and I always will be
The very hairs on my head are numbered
My life can only become one story
The painting of a master’s love
The mosaic on which the heart of the heart of that man, the Lord Jesus Christ is made manifest
Today I can truly say, the lines are fallen to me in pleasant places, I have a goodly heritage