Munyaradzi Goredema

A few thoughts on love

Just so we are clear, I do not care who you will name to me who has taught otherwise to the body of Christ but if it does not look live love, it is wrong and you have been lied to
Precious people, God Almighty wants you to know Him by this name, Abba
The Spirit of a son, not again a slave to fear
If you still are trembling when you think about God, you have been misinformed
He loves you, inspite of all your mistakes
A man by the name Jesus, the first begotten Son came God incarnate to wash away your sins
They are drowned in a sea of forgetfulness, and God wants you to come boldly to His throne to obtain grace
Precious saints, we are called in love and we are called to love
It is by grace, not by deeds lest any man boast or lest any man feel too far gone down the drain to be saved
It is by the exceeding riches of grace that ye are called to be sons of the most High God
Abba, Daddy, Papa, Dad,
That is the name God wants you most to know Him by;
To rest in love and in peace for not as the world but only as He can does He give peace

Certain men have been teaching you lies
They teach you to do good and you will be loved
They teach you have a human enemy, that some sins are worth death
They teach you that you are nothing and that they are something
That you could never earn what they have
But my bible says God is not a respector of persons, that He died for the world,
The well have no need of a doctor but Jesus , ah, this is a trustworthy saying says Paul to Timothy, came into the world to save sinners
My bible says let any man who preaches another gospel be accursed, In the New Testament

It is not a scripture often preached but today, I understand the weight
The body of believers, its welfare is so much more important than the anointing of a single man who will not submit to truth
God so much loves the body, He so much wants you to be free before Him, to realise His love for you
that any man who perverts this and twists it for their own advantage incurs for themselves a problem I would not want to have
Let no man deceive you, you are loved greatly and amazingly, your sin debt is paid once and for all and you, yes you who think you are nothing are so jealously loved by God
No son must ever be unable to come boldly before their Father,
And this applies to every son

Now listen dear saints, this is truth
No man’s anointing gives them a right to teach what is not bible, what is not Jesus
The bible says the Lord Jesus is the author and perfector of our Faith
He refines us like gold and we are called to come fully conformed to His image
The image of Christ Himself, and not any other man
The image of Christ is love, love unfettered and unbound for every man woman boy and child on the planet
Love for the thief, the prostitute, the occultist, the warlock, the n’angas you name it
This absolute stands in scripture
In Ezekiel, the Lord has declared;
“Do you think I like to see wicked people die, I would rather have them repent and come to life”
God wants us all, the blood of Jesus was shed for the remissions of all men’s sins, not just those who know Him now

Jesus can turn a wolf into a sheep, but only if the wolf will listen
But God is so interested in you dear flock,
He says let any man be cursed if He preach another gospel than that first preached by the apostles
You see, this is all part of the same trend that Jesus had; the only people that hated Him were the religious, those with an appearance of godliness who did not know Him
He is the same today; He still hates religious ideas, He still hates misleading His children and He still hates those that would pervert grace

Abba calls you by name, dear
Let no man deceive you,
Let this not sound hard for rest, you cannot give what you do not have
God wants to shed His love for you in your heart, He wants you to see and encounter this love and this love encountered in your heart will change the way you look at the world.

Ye are loved, Ye are called
Indeed, you have been summoned by name into the presence of the King

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