In Malachi, it is written “and He will restore the hearts of fathers to their children.” A promise that is so wonderful and encouraging if you know what the heart of the Father is, and yet at the same time one that could as easily skip you by if your experience with father figures around you has been anything but pleasant-a reality all too easily seen in the culture of the world and what passes in a lot of places as what it means to be a Father.
You see, God has the heart of true Fatherhood and anything else that does not look like Him will deceive you. He has not been afraid to tell you, yes to actually speak out the very words were His heart is, which are, “My dear child, I love you. You are mine, and I am yours. Though you may yet fail yet my love for you can never be changed, it can never be diminished and I am always for you.” For a lot of us, a man who is honest with their emotions and true feelings is rare, we are used to affirmative grants and questions like if I did not love you would I still be here-and yet your Father in heaven is not afraid and He is not intimated. Not anyone of your actions can separate you from His love.
He gives the Holy Spirit and part of His job description is this, “Within our Spirits, He testifies with our spirits that we are sons of God whereby we cry Abba.” This is a spirit of Adoption, the placing of us as Sons. Hey, God is reaching out for you, He has wiped away the record of sin written against you and you belong in His presence, with Him. Yes you, with your past and thoughts and actions are not cast away from Him. Friends; our Father is good and when you ask for fish, He will not give a snake, and if you need bread He will not give you a stone. There is nothing that you need that He did not plan in advance to supply you with. He rejoices over you with singing and you are the beloved. Yes, you are the the Beloved of God and it is this that the Spirit wants the church to realize. We are not orphans, and our father is not twisted-we have a Father who is love itself, who is rich in mercy and tender kindness and grace beyond what we have thus far experienced. Oh, this is why Paul would say “May you know what is the height and depth and length and breadth of God” and in another place “For I am convinced that none of these things will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.” This is an all-powerful love and yes it is reserved exclusively for you and me and every human being alive.
When your heart begins to rest in this knowledge and assurance you will see a great change in your life. You realize that you are loved as you are, as an individual and you are invited to fellowship as an individual. All the good you used to try to do and it seemed so hard and impossible and you always felt condemned will effortlessly begin to flow out of you. “He who is forgiven much will love much,” the Lord Jesus declared. When you realize you are forgiven much, you will love much and the fruit of love will be joy and peace in your life.
It sounds so simple. Too good to be true even, but this is the good news. You are loved by your Father and He desires your presence. You are forgiven and you are His son. All the anger you think He has for you has been already exhausted in the man and Lord our Saviour Jesus Christ. God is not angry with you, you are forgiven. So boldly enter the throne room, obtain mercy for your time of need and realize this you are a son of the Lord. It is your realization of what it means to be a son of the Lord that will forever change your life.