And the latter shall be greater than the former; the glory of the new shall be greater than that of the old…
What is it that at the start of the year, when you looked forward, you expected.
Do you remember what the Lord whispered into your heart as your heritage for this year? Is His voice still as clear as it was then and does the hope you had at the start of the year still burn as it did then? Or has life descended into the dreary realms of monotony and routine, devoid of vision and an expectation of the hand of God upon your life?
My friend, the Father has not forgotten his promises and He has not neglected his promises to you. See well for He is watching over his Word to perform it-yes, that Word He spoke to you. Remember that the worlds themselves were framed by the word of God; that that which we see today was made from what cannot be seen. What He promised you, He intends and He will do.
I encourage you therefore to rest in this knowledge; to rest in expectation of seeing the promises of God bearing fruit in your life. I do not know your situation, nor the pain it may have but I do know my Heavenly Father who heals, who restores, who binds up the broken, who sets free, who prospers and who brings dreams to life so I can confidently tell you this-greater shall be the joy you will have than all the pain you ever had.
I myself had lost sight on the promises He gave me out of Isaiah 45; i was lost in a cycle of sin and for a bit of time, it did seem like all the days that passed by did so meaninglessly, without purpose or hope but this I do know as I write now; I am forgiven and my standing before God is permanent-fully accepted and righteous. This is not a licence to do as I please but it is the power of God unto my deliverance. And I looked on the part of the year to come versus that already gone, what I tell you now is what the Lord shared with me.
What He spoke at the start of the year, He intended and meant and by the time this year is up, we who believe will stand and be glad for the increase that the Lord will have worked for us in our lives. For those just catching up, the Word for the year is found in Isaiah 45, from verse 1 to 3 with the one Word theme to summarise (for those who enjoy such) is INCREASE.
Indeed my friend let your expectation rise and let your hope for this latter part be founded on Jesus who will do as He has promised if we only believe- forget about the state of the economy for a moment, forget about the state of your relationship, forget what has happened in the past and just look unto Jesus.
And for sure, the latter will be better than the former, the Lord will not tarry but swift and your heart will be glad.