Munyaradzi Goredema

2014-Theme of the Year….Part 1….Isaiah 45:1

At the start of the year, there are words that the Lord shared would be the unveiling of what He planned to do this year for me in my life. I believe this is not just for me but for someone else, you will hear as well the very heart of God for you and as I promised, here I am for the rest of this month to post specifically on the specifics of what each verse specifically meant for me in my life and for you if you will just receive this Word. Remember, this is a year of Increase, of greater glory.

What God has set out to do for us this year has a Foundation called grace-it is set in the concrete of His will for us, solely based on His love for us and on His desire to reveal to us His sons just how good He is to us. It is set on His desire to prepare a generation of Sons who will manifest His glory and reconcile to Him a broken world that is in desperate need of a Father. This is a year of increase, a year of greater glory and a year where God intends to make it secure on your heart that you are loved and we are not condemned and that indeed His plan for us is good.

The first thing He says to you is you are His, and not only are you His you are His

  anointed. You belong, you have a place where you are welcome and not only are you welcome, you are chosen and there is a purpose for which you are chosen. Where it says Cyrus, replace with your name and read on for it is your hand that God has taken hold off. He has taken hold of it and in so doing, confirmed He is with you and He is not ashamed of you. Neither is He ashamed to be with you as well my friend. He has taken hold of your hand not to put you in front and in the way of harm, but to fight with you.

He says it is to subdue nations before you, and to strip king of their armour. At this point think back on your life, what are the prayers that you have prayed and that have seemed not to be answers? What is it that the devil has erected that has stood in the way of your answer and of your dreams? Because as surely as you can see it standing against you, and as surely as you have been praying and it seems nothing is happening, no longer shall it be in your life for the Lord our God has purposed to bring all that to a permanent end in your life.

He also says to open doors so that gates will not be shut, and to cut through bars of iron. This is to bring before you the opportunities that you have desired and where you have stood knocking, to break down the barriers to your progress. Personally for me, I know this involves even my shell-the quiet place I enjoy retreating into that I now know is not always the right place to get into for I do have a stirring on the inside that will benefit not only me, but every man woman and child who will receive it.

And my friend, this is only from the first part, so take heart beloved. Stand strong, be courageous and believe for this year, this season, this time is for you to encounter the unfettered love of God and for you to become grounded and secure in the love of God for you, regardless of where you are or what you have done.

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